Speech therapy

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  • What is speech therapy?

    Speech therapy is a field of science that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of communication disorders in individuals, whether children or adults. This includes difficulties with speech, language, and voice. The primary goal of speech therapy is to facilitate the smooth integration of the individual into their educational or social environment, thereby enhancing their ability to communicate effectively in various settings.

  • When does a child need speech therapy?                   

    If your child is displaying any of the following challenges in their language development, it is advisable to consider consulting with a speech therapist

  • Communication:

    • Their play differs significantly from that of other children of the same age.
    • They display little to no interest in people around them and how they communicate.
    • They show a lack of interest in initiating interactions, or they do so only to fulfill their own interests.
    • They exhibit a distinct peculiarity in their approach to communication and in the way they use speech for communicative purposes.



    • Experiences challenges in constructing sentences.
    • Struggles with describing simple, everyday occurrences.
    • Rarely initiates conversations and often finds it hard to maintain the flow of a discussion.
    • Faces challenges in accurately expressing thoughts using appropriate words.
    • Finds it difficult to comprehend sentences featuring complex syntax or to follow intricate instructions.
  • Speaking:

    • Has trouble pronouncing specific sounds.
    • Often mixes up simple and familiar words.
    • Tends to mix sounds within words.
    • Possesses a vocabulary that is not suitable for his age group.
    • Exhibits stuttering.


     Speech Flow:

    • Struggles to begin a sentence.
    • Frequently fixates on sounds or syllables within a word.
    • Prolongs the sounds or syllables in a word.
    • Repeats sounds or syllables in a word.
    • Exhibits tics.
  • Language Development of the Child:

    • Up to 6 Months: The baby responds to sounds, either by turning its head or looking towards the sound’s origin, and makes vocal sounds, such as cooing.
    • Up to 12 Months: The child begins to comprehend simple commands, can articulate basic words like “mom” and “dad,” and reacts to their name being called.
    • Up to 18 Months: The child starts to grasp simple sentences, can identify and name familiar objects, and uses new words.
    • Up to 2 Years: The child’s understanding of more complex phrases and instructions grows (e.g., “Take the small car and place it on your bed”), they can construct basic sentences using 2 to 3 words, start asking questions, and use plurals and prepositions.
    • Up to 4 Years: The child speaks more clearly (though there may be minor difficulties with sounds like “r” and “s”), forms grammatically correct sentences, and their speech closely resembles that of adults.
  • Especially in Speech & Communication:

    Within our center, we specifically assign cases to our therapists based on their individual advanced training and areas of expertise. This approach enables us to handle a broad spectrum of cases effectively.

  • We have several tools such as:

    • Preschool Language School Scales
    • Renfrew Bus Story Test
    • GADS
    • Transfers
    • STASS
    • Preschool and School Age CELF
    • TOPL (Test of Pragmatic Language)
    • Language Perception and Expression Test
    • Expressive Vocabulary Test
    • ΕΑRS Medell etc.
  • We use several methods, depending on the case. Indicative only:

    • Lidcombe programme
    • Pivotal Response Training
    • Floortime
    • ABA
    • PECS
    • Cued Articulation
    • Talk Tools κ.α.
  • In summary, we effectively manage cases in terms of:

    • Psychomotor retardation.
    • Pervasive Developmental Disorders.
    • Specific Language Impairment/delay.
    • School readiness.
    • Joint disorders, dysarthria, dyspraxia.
    • Hard of hearing/deafness/cochlear implants.
    • Mental retardation.
    • Disturbance in the flow of speech (stuttering).
    • Voice disorders.
    • Specific Learning Difficulties related to writing and reading.
    • Difficulty chewing/swallowing.
    • Incremental communication etc.
  • Our services cater to children ranging from infants and toddlers to teenagers, both at our center and in their homes. We offer individual and group programs, working closely and synergistically with the parents and family members.

    In addition, we aid adults dealing with issues such as stuttering, voice problems, and auditory training post-cochlear implant, available at our center. We also conduct home visits to offer speech therapy services for individuals recovering from strokes, cranial-cerebral injuries, or those affected by neurological conditions.

    “Your development is our measure!”

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