
Διαβάστε πώς δουλεύουμε
  • Diagnosis:

    During our initial telephone ccontact, we will ask targeted questions to ensure we are thoroughly prepared for your first assessment session.

    Throughout the diagnostic process, we will engage any necessary therapeutic specialties to provide comprehensive support.

    Our assessment process is based on:

    • Gathering a complete history
    • Conducting a thorough examination across all developmental areas
    • Obtaining information from school or significant others

    During evaluation, we keep parents well-informed and involved throughout the process.
    Upon conclusion, we prepare a comprehensive report. Furthermore, we provide tailored
    recommendations on the next steps to be taken, ensuring family guidance.


    At Logos & Epikinonia, we maintain an extensive repository of evaluation tools and we
    make sure our staff are adeptly trained. Additionally, we do not solely rely on structured
    tools but we also make use of the child’s interests. This approach allows our therapists
    to explore the child’s abilities with his/her active participation.

    Quality Assurance:

    At Logos & Epikinonia, we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of quality.
    Previously certified under ISO 9001:2000, our center continues to maintain a
    well-organized network of self-monitoring and improvement mechanisms. These include
    regular supervision sessions, assessments of therapist effectiveness, and satisfaction
    surveys/ interviews with parents.